You have taken step forward towards a better future of our next generation.
Is my child going to be a good Muslim?
Will she put hijab on when she grows up?
Can I trust him with a cell phone at the age of ten?
Am I doing my job as a parent?
Should I go back home?
What if….
How will I…
What’s the best way to…
All of the above thoughts and questions come to the mind of a concerned Muslim parent. When a couple decides to have a baby, they know that having a child is a blessing but the magnitude of the challenge as a parent does not cross their mind at all.
To answer all of these questions and more will require a course to cover every little detail, but that is not the point of this ebook that you are about to read.
As a mature man and woman, you know that life comes with lots of excitement and challenges. And if you had to write a book or even a cheat sheet for someone who is about to come into this world, there is no way you would be able to cover everything in a few pages. You would have to write an encyclopedia and that would still not be sufficient.
Parenting is one of those areas of your life that requires a lot of attention as it is about fulfilling the responsibility that was given to you by your creator.
In this Free Ebook, we'll be sharing with you wealth of knowledge that will help you raise a child who - inshallah is going to be a firm believer.
---CLICK HERE--- to download the book
Happy learning!
Haroon Malik, Founder
p.s. Don't forget to discover our Parenting Course by clicking on "All Content" on top left. I am very excited that you are taking your time out in reading this book and taking our courses and reading our books' summaries. It shows that you are concerned for better future of yourself and our future generation. Keep it up!